This festive season is going to be a little different. No family -fortunately but unfortunately- just friends this time. You’re the one with the biggest and best area for an indoor gathering so the decision was quickly made that it would be at your place. Cooking isn’t really your thing so, in true holiday spirit, everyone have pledge to do their part. Some will be at your place cooking from the early hours and others are gonna prep some dishes at theirs.
On the day your knocking around the kitchen trying to decide what the first drink of the day shall be. Drinks, as everyone else pointed out, are your speciality and, therefore, were mainly assigned to you. The beer fridge is bursting at the seams, all types of wine are chilling, and the spirit cabinet is on display in all its glory.
Staring at the interior of your fridge your mind drifts back to Christmas’ of old and your first ever lick of liquor. Your Grandma would let you have a sneaky sip of her eggnog. It was creamy, sweet, and delicious and you decide that you’re going to replicate that for everyone.
A glance at the clock tells you that your friends will arrive soon to start work on everything. You pull the milk and eggs out of the fridge and with a hesitant hand you snatch a Bomani out too; because we all need a little lift this early in the morning you think to yourself. You grab some select bottles from the liquor cabinet and start mixing. Soon you have 5 mugs full and keeping chill in the fridge.
Your friends bust in through the door and hugs are given before you pull out the mugs sprinkle on some ground coffee and offer a toast. “To Christmas with friends!!”
Bomani Nog
- 1.5oz Southern Comfort
- 0.5oz Plantation O.F.T.D
- 0.25oz Simple syrup
- 3oz Bomani
- 2oz Milk
- 1 Whole Egg
- Glass: Large mug
- Garnish: Espresso dust
- Method: Dry shake all ingredients hard for 30 seconds. Add ice and shake hard. Double strain into mug and garnish.
Why This Cocktail Works
The espresso garnish dances on the nose with some of the sweeter notes of the drink. The woody and spicy notes of the spirits come through first with the softness created by the milk and the egg. Next comes the vanilla from the whiskey along with subtle notes of coffee. The aftertaste is complex with all the notes from this drink left dancing on the tongue.
Where and When
Eggnog, on which this drink is based, is a drink that, by many, is considered old fashioned. This drink brings eggnog forward into this century, lightening it and giving it an extra caffeinated kick.